Breakfast · Desserts

Grain-Free Almond Flour Pancakes

Looking for a healthy and easy grain-free pancake recipe? I’ve got you. A lot of effort was put into getting these paleo and gluten-free pancakes right because we have a deep-rooted “Pancake Saturday” tradition at our house. Yep, we take pancakes pretty seriously around here. 🙂 They get served up with crispy baked bacon, fresh berries, dark maple syrup and fresh coffee and/or real hot chocolate. It’s the best way to kick the weekend into high-gear! Try these out.


Blueberry Buttermilk Kefir Pancakes

Thick and FLUFFY pancakes have forever had my heart. I’ve said it time and time again. The blog now hosts a rapidly growing collection of healthy pancake recipes, and the latest comes with some serious gut benefits from a handy little addition: K-E-F-I-R (correctly pronounced kuh-fear, not kee-fur).  You get all the taste and coziness of brunch food with ALL real food ingredients: AKA no gimmicks or fillers from boxed pancakes. I love to have these for breakfast or dinner. I can eat pancakes for dinner because I am an adult. Am I right?